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Wedding Ceremony
10:45am Saturday
10 July, 2004
Union Church
22A Kennedy Road,
Central, Hong Kong

How to get there

Wedding Dinner
6:45pm Saturday
10 July 2004
The Garden Marquee,
The Repulse Bay,
109 The Repulse Bay Road
How to get there

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The Leglessbirds Story

Felix June 1999

Palace, Seoul, Korea - September 1999
How we met and became good friends
We met for the first time at a ten-pin bowling game in 1998, introduced by two of Irene's best friends who were then Dominic's colleagues. We became good friends over time and got to know each other better and better through many events like hiking, birthday parties and occassionally we hanged out with just the two of us. We talked about anything - everything! The turning point came during Irene's birthday dinner (for 2) at Felix, Peninsula in 1999. Something magical happened during that dinner and we entered a new phase of our relationship and started going out officiallyin September 1999 during Irene's visit to Seoul while I was working there on a project.

Interestingly, we both like a book on relationship called Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, we have found the book useful. Here are a few other ones that we would recommend, The Five Love Languages, Mars and Venus on a Date.

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How our relationship continues to evolve
We have many common interests - enjoying good food, hiking, travelling, meeting friends, just to name a few.

More importantly, we share the same goals in life

  • Stay Healthy
  • Experience Life
  • Pursue Knowledge
  • Help & Inspire others

And the journey continues
The journey continues as Leglessbirds commit to the next stage of their lives and look forward to flying beyond more dreams together.

Fly beyond dreams, Fly with Leglessbird
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