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Church Dinner, Reply form Directions for: Church, Dinner, Apt

Wedding Ceremony
10:45am Saturday
10 July, 2004
Union Church
22A Kennedy Road,
Central, Hong Kong

How to get there

Wedding Dinner
6:45pm Saturday
10 July 2004
The Garden Marquee,
The Repulse Bay,
109 The Repulse Bay Road
How to get there

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Irene & Dominic's Wedding dinner

Saturday 10 July 2004 at 6:45pm

at The Garden Marquee, The Repulse Bay Hotel,
109 The Repulse Bay Road

Reply form (* denote essential items)

Your Name*   (First and Last names)
E-Mail *  
Coming*?   Yes, I am coming
Vegetarian meal required
No, I am not coming
Your message to Irene & Dominic, if any.  
    If you are coming, please kindly fill out the followings.
No. of guests  
Name of guests   1) Vegetarian?
2) Vegetarian?

Wedding Dinner Announcement

Irene Sin & Dominic Chan

would be honoured to have you share in the joy
of their wedding dinner

on Saturday 10 July 2004 at 6:45pm

at The Garden Marquee, The Repulse Bay Hotel,
109 The Repulse Bay Road

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